On 1/7/13 4:25 AM, Peter Åstrand wrote:
(3) CMakeLists.txt in the FLTK build system needs to be patched as
Otherwise, it will try to add -lpng to all of the subsequent function
checks, which causes them to fail on some machines (including mine.)

Have you reported this to the FLTK folks? Again, probably makes sense to
wait with further debugging on this until we have 1.3.2.

No, because it's frankly not my problem, and it would be a lot quicker
for you and Pierre, who have inroads into the FLTK project, to report

Sure, but we don't have the details. It's not very useful to submit a bug report that says "it fails on some machines but not mine" :-)

(4) Fluid build fails on Mac using CMake unless CMakeLists.txt in the
FLTK build system is patched as follows:

As point 3), I think.

No, because this is a bug introduced by the patches that Cendio made to
FLTK.  All I'm suggesting is to extend fltk-1_v6.3.x-keyboard-osx.patch
so that it adds '-framework Carbon' in the CMake build system the same
way it already does in the autotools build system.  Don't see why you
have to wait for 1.3.2 for that, since this is not an upstream problem.
 It's a problem created by an FLTK patch that was specifically made for
the purposes of TigerVNC.

Ok, that makes sense. Would it be possible for you to extend the patch in this way? We do not build FLTK with CMake.

(6) The TigerVNC build will fail unless I patch TigerVNC's
CMakeLists.txt as follows:

--- CMakeLists.txt    (revision 5021)
+++ CMakeLists.txt    (working copy)
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@

This goes away when building FLTK with -DOPTION_USE_SYSTEM_LIBPNG=0, but
distribution vendors will run into this problem, since they'll probably
want to use the system libpng.  Since the patch above does no harm when
using FLTK's internal PNG library, I would suggest going ahead and
applying it to TigerVNC.

Shouldn't this go into vncviewer/CMakeLists.txt instead?

Effectively, it probably doesn't matter either way, since FLTK is only
used when building vncviewer, but since libpng is a dependency
introduced by FLTK, it made sense to me to include it in FLTK_LIBRARIES.
 But either way you want.

I prefer vncviewer/CMakeLists.txt. In our build, we have actually added this:

  # Needed to load icon files
  target_link_libraries(vncviewer -Wl,-Bstatic ${FLTK_IMAGES_LIBRARY} png 

(7) Building FLTK using MinGW is problematic because of the dependency
on the libgcc and libstdc++ DLL's.  These dependencies are automatically

Yes, this is somewhat problematic, but as you point out, this is really
a problem with FLTK rather than TigerVNC.

You keep saying that, but I'll say again like I said before-- this is
effectively a regression in the TigerVNC build, because this problem did
not exist in the 1.2 build by virtue of the fact that FLTK was being
built in tree.

Yes, we should make it as easy as possible. Shouldn't be necessary to tweak FLTK though; linking libgcc and libstdc++ statically can be done from the TigerVNC make files.

The problem is that Windows has a "convert" executable that's part of
the operating system, but of course it is not the right "convert"
executable.  On Linux, if ImageMagick is not installed, the build fails
cryptically with "cannot find /usr/bin/convert" or something like that.

Rather than argue, I checked in a patch (5024) that I have verified to
fix the issue and build correctly on all platforms.


I will now take a look at adjusting the build procedure for FLTK 1.3.2.

Rgds, ---
Peter Åstrand           ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB               http://cendio.com
Teknikringen 8          http://twitter.com/ThinLinc
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