On 1/16/13 3:12 AM, Peter Åstrand wrote:
> Sure, but we don't have the details. It's not very useful to submit a
> bug report that says "it fails on some machines but not mine" :-)

Didn't I just supply the details?  And a fix?

>> No, because this is a bug introduced by the patches that Cendio made to
>> FLTK.  All I'm suggesting is to extend fltk-1_v6.3.x-keyboard-osx.patch
>> so that it adds '-framework Carbon' in the CMake build system the same
>> way it already does in the autotools build system.  Don't see why you
>> have to wait for 1.3.2 for that, since this is not an upstream problem.
>>  It's a problem created by an FLTK patch that was specifically made for
>> the purposes of TigerVNC.
> Ok, that makes sense. Would it be possible for you to extend the patch
> in this way? We do not build FLTK with CMake.

Well, if you don't build FLTK with CMake, then why does the documented 
procedure for building FLTK (in BUILDING.txt) require CMake?  This is 
the basic problem I've been complaining about all along-- a fundamental 
disconnect between what users of the open source code are expected to do 
and what Cendio actually tests.  In other words, you guys need to eat 
your own dog food.

Extending the patch is definitely not a priority for me, but it would 
probably take you or Pierre all of 5 minutes.

> I prefer vncviewer/CMakeLists.txt. In our build, we have actually added
> this:
>    # Needed to load icon files
>    target_link_libraries(vncviewer -Wl,-Bstatic ${FLTK_IMAGES_LIBRARY}
> png -Wl,-Bdynamic)
> endif()

So add it to everyone's build, then.

> Yes, we should make it as easy as possible. Shouldn't be necessary to
> tweak FLTK though; linking libgcc and libstdc++ statically can be done
> from the TigerVNC make files.

Try it.  I think you'll find, as I did, that it doesn't work that way.

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