On 1/16/13 6:56 AM, Peter Åstrand wrote:
> The two major sponsors of the TigerVNC project are Cendio and Red Hat,
> and we both are focusing on Linux, so it's quite natural that we favour
> build systems that works good on Linux.
> Few if any people have the resources to test things on more than a
> handful of platforms. We are building and testing TigerVNC for all
> supported platforms (Linux, Solaris, Windows, Mac), but with only one
> build system (cross compilation under Linux). We are not building on any
> version of Windows, Solaris, or Mac OS X. We don't have the resources to
> do that. Sorry.
> If you want, I can see if we can switch our internal FLTK build to CMake
> instead of Autotools, but I'm not sure what else we can do.

That would be helpful, yes.

BTW, is Red Hat even using a recent version of TigerVNC?  Last I 
checked, Fedora was still on 1.1.0.

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