"Lux, James P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


  > Even without  TMR  or other similar  schemes,  the  probability of
  > upset IS  pretty low. However, as Black or Scholes  said  (I can't
  > remember which), "One should not confuse very low probability with
  > impossible". If it absolutely, positively can't take any hit, then
  > some more work is involved.

  > James Lux, P.E.

  How do you do that? Any web links to study?

  As far  as I know, it is impossible to absolutely  guarantee against
  metastability. Do you wait a week for the metastability to settle?

  If zero probability of failure is so important, you would  also have
  to include  the  probability of a solder joint  opening,  or  a chip
  failing due  to metal migration or latent ESD damage. That  is never

  Of course, after the system is perfect, someone will take it and put
  it on a destroyer running Windows:)

  Best Regards,

  Mike Monett

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