On Aug 20, 2010, at 11:17 AM, Rick Karlquist wrote:
> The AMC-123 can also be homebrewed by reading the
> patent, which is listed on the data sheet.

I found it here:


Having read the patent, I find I'm still weak enough in the area of discrete 
amplifier design that I'd have low confidence of creating an amplifier with the 
required phase noise, gain, isolation and compression specifications. Assuming 
the simple amplifier in Figure 1, I think I'm make or break the design (more 
likely the latter) by selecting a suitable in-production replacement for the 
2N5109, figuring out the required turns ratio of autotransformer L1, biasing 
the transistor amplifier correctly, etc.

I'd have no problem building it; if I identified off-the-shelf magnetics then I 
could even build a whole bunch of them, as I design PCBs for a living (mostly 
GPS stuff; I can lay out the microwave stuff as long as a smart RF guy comes up 
with the necessary LNA circuit topology), and I even have a bit of experience 
designing mechanical stuff (i.e., in case it wanted to be in a nice machined 
aluminum shield/heat-sink box, though my CNC mill is presently in pieces so I'd 
need to farm out mechanical fabrication). I'm just weak in the analog/RF design 
area so far.

Since the "Q: Which amplifier? A: AMC-123!" thing appears to be a FAQ, and that 
patent may be old enough to have expired, I wonder if the world wants a nice 
plug-and-play TIME-NUTS-123 amplifier based on the Norton patent, designed with 
currently-available off-the-shelf components (aside from the custom PCB and 
possibly enclosure), which could be made in smallish batches, characterized by 
somebody with the right equipment, and sold at a reasonable price to help folks 
cobble together their home-brewed phase noise measurement and frequency 
reference distribution systems.

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <n...@nf6x.net>
Web page: http://www.nf6x.net/
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