On Aug 20, 2010, at 11:17 AM, Rick Karlquist wrote:
> On the 10811 production line, they would use Anzac AMC-123 amplifiers
> to drive a +17 dBm mixer, and then amplify the IF output with a low noise
> current amplifier like the Linear LT1028.  You can easily homebrew
> this setup.  You will need to have a DC coupled connection to the IF
> output to make a narrow PLL that drives the EFC of one of the oscillators.
> You can use a PC based audio spectrum analyzer program to look at the
> phase noise output.  You can break the PLL to get a beat note to calibrate
> the system.  The AMC-123 can also be homebrewed by reading the
> patent, which is listed on the data sheet.  No need at all to get
> a 3048, etc.

Interesting. I'm also the proud new owner of an Ettus Research USRP with a nice 
selection of RF front end boards, so maybe I could press that into service for 
spectrum analysis as long as I'm looking at things that will fall within its 
dynamic range and noise floor. I have a lot of learning to do... ;)

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <n...@nf6x.net>
Web page: http://www.nf6x.net/
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