Filtering is basically what is done by those skilled in the art. I think it 
would be hard to defend such a patent. 

Then again, Apple has managed to patent and defend in court the ipad color 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Blazer <>
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2012 18:19:57 
To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement<>
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] FCC Chair Talks Spectrum, Gets GPS Letter

I read a white paper Javad put out touting their new (and cheaper to 
build) front end filter.  Of course it is patented.  So guess where 
everyone has to go should LS get the green light.


On 3/7/2012 12:22 PM, wrote:
> Sorry for my language, I was quite upset when I read his letter.
> If it really was trivial and very low cost to upgrade GPS receivers, then
> he should not worry too much about loosing much revenue. This sounds more
> like  he made major investments in either Lightsquared itself, or into
> designing and  qualifying compatible receivers, and hoping for a major payday 
> which
> is not  coming.
> There should be other solutions for LS such as allocating to a  different sp
> ectrum etc to not lose "a $14 billon investment".
> Also his claims that GPS receivers will soon be obsolete anyway's are
> clearly not true of course.
> This reminds me about the futile episode of Edison electrocuting  Elephants
> to prove his DC power grid to be superior to AC...
> bye,
> Said
> In a message dated 3/7/2012 09:03:10 Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> It's all very squalid!
> Sent from  Samsung Mobile
> -------- Original message -------- Subject: Re:  [time-nuts] FCC Chair
> Talks Spectrum, Gets GPS Letter From:  Mike S To: CC:
> On 3/6/2012 10:37 PM, wrote:
>> I'm sorry, but Mr. Javad is on  crack.
>> Yeah right. In what world does he live   in?
> The one in which he's head of "the only company who offers  GNSS
> receivers with ... LightSquared Inside."
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