I answer here to Bob Bill and Magnus.

I think I would grab some sort of USB thermometer and start logging the room temperature. CMOS input op-amps are a pretty good way to buffer the integrating capacitor.
They are cheap and have very low bias currents.

The suspect is temperature, the first
thing I'm suspecting is the FE5680A temp coefficient.
I didnt grasp the "real numbers", so I tried estimating
the local drift, i.e. the drift value every 2k samples.
Here the results:
The drift stays around -3.2x10^-10 then
abruptly goes to -2.4x10^-10, so if the culprit
is the 5680, it's frequency should change about 1x10^-10,
if I didnt screw up all the calculations.
Does this make sense?

As for the buffer opamp, I will try with MCP6001,
cheap and it's input impedance is so high I will be
limited by the pcb...
By the way, my LM358 seem to be injecting 1.5nA
into the ramp capacitor until it levels to around 1-1.5V.

Like Bob said, start logging the temperature.

Since you have about 86400 s period on this behaviour, I expect that
heating up in the morning (sun or just habits of humans roughly
aligned with sun patterns) be the reason, so this would be temperature
dependent. Plotting supply voltage may be another reason.

Magnus, I will log some temperatures and voltages.

scope probe set to 10x, DC coupled.

Do you really get 1-2 cycle long difference measures that way?
You risk a high non-linearity at the small difference side otherwise,
as it takes time to wake the transistors.


As I commented, you might want 1-2 cycles to pass, so adding a second
DFF might be needed for that task.

So if I'm understanding you are suggesting to measure on the
second 10MHz edge, instead of the first, I would have 100 to 200nS
instead of 0 to 100nS. I didnt think about this, I like the idea!

Like that you try your interpolator wings!

Sorry, I didnt undestand this part.

I do recommend you to check out the Wenzel clock input stage, which
is being deployed in the TADD-2 divider. Squares up sine clocks


Hi Fabio,
I am not crazy about your 10 MHz input circuit. You might want to consider
investigating John Miles input arrangement at the following web site:
I used it to drive an input to a divider chip without the output resistor or


Magnus and Bill, the input stage I'm using was inspired by
the wenzel second schematic on this page:
But you both are right, I'm starting to see that it's
not that stable.
I will try the discrete solution on the wenzel page.
Is the transformer mandatory or I can avoid it?
In case I have some IF-cans but I've never used and
dont know much about them.

Thank you all,

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