On 12/26/2012 12:01 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:
The VXCO quality hardly matters for an NTP server.   As long as it
does not gain out loose more then 1 uSecond per second.  In other
words one part per million is fine for NTP.  The goal is not to
produce a 10MHz GDPDO.  Clients using this server over the Ethernet
are happy to keep time ti 1 millisecond.

Most (almost all) NTP servers use a TTL can oscillator.

Indeed, it's just a chip VCXO. Not much of an additional cost, and it can be disciplined in hardware. In a PC, the main oscillator is not tunable so the kernel has to emulate a tunable clock by tweaking the numbers on the way out.

Now that I have the disciplining algorithm implemented I immediately discovered a problem -- and it's not my hardware. The receiver I assumed was a UT+ is actually a R1121N1145, which doesn't support position hold. But even worse, the PPS seems to jump forward by precisely 1ms every 16-20s and sticks that way. This probably explains the mediocre jitter of 0.3-0.6ms in the NTP results I posted on the 25th. With enough smoothing I can probably make it work, but in the meantime I will switch to using the Trimble receiver which I know works well. My goal with this project was always to support as many receivers as possible but the 100mil pitch header on the Oncore is much more convenient so that's where I started.

The good news is that the disciplining algorithm I lifted from my previous GPSDO project works quite well, and I have the gritty details of measuring the PPS worked out. If I can get the Trimble working tomorrow I might have much better results soon, otherwise I'm traveling for a few days so it'll have to wait until the new year.

-- m. tharp

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