Yes,  I'm writing this on an iMac.  I'm a long time BSD Unix user going
back to about 1980.

Now, FINALLY we can say the UNIX and Linux are the most commonly used OSes
in the wold as one of those runs on most phones.  Linux is in Androids and
a unix varient is on iPhones and Macs

I remember going to a talk by Bill Gates, this was in the  pre-Windows ears
when his main product was MS-DOS.  He said that he would make DOS more and
more unix-like as PC hardware grew in power.  At that time he did not
understand what an OS was and they UNIX was just the shell, and worked like
DOS.  It was was an amusing speak he was completely ignorant about OS
design.  But he was the exec not the engineer so he did not have to know.
 Still  Had Windows not surprised them Gates would have done have Apple
(and Sun and man others) did and simply sold a re-branded UNIX.   What much
better off we'd all have been

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Mark C. Stephens <>wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> The Mac OS X user base is also growing rapidly, with many preferring the X
> desktop to Winders.
> And, under the hood is BSD unix (sort of).. And there is MkLinux if you
> don't like OS X..
> >> It depends of it you want to be the kind of ham who understands radios
> and can build and design them
> >> or the kind who would have never remove the cover off his commercial
> built radio.
> >> Linux is the best OS for developers and those who like to build gear.
> >> Windows is better for the "appliance user" crowd.
> --marki
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Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California
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