It depends what you mean under "professional"... an individual that pushes buttons for a wage, having no clue about what's actually happening underneath, or an individual that knows his business in, and out? The definition in my book is the second one, and I met many "amateurs" (aka hobbyists, with a passion for a certain domain, with deep knowledge, but not necessarily their main income source) which outclassed most "professionals".

If you appreciate more the "point and click" features to "program" something rapidly, without any control of the generated code, you're better served with the nicely integrated toys for windumb & co.

Ever wondered why low latency audio is working nicely on linux (eventually with the appropriate kernel settings, if you intend to load the system heavily), and is such a nightmare on windoze? Or why microsuxx castrated the network bandwidth usage (btw, a very "professional" solution) when a multimedia application is running under Vista 1, 2 (aka 7), or 3 (aka 8)?

On 8/7/2013 12:03 AM, Alberto di Bene wrote:
On 8/6/2013 5:12 AM, Chris Albertson wrote:

/It depends of it you want to be the kind of ham who understands
radios and
can build and design them or the kind who would have never remove the
off his commercial built radio. Linux is the best OS for developers and
those who like to build gear. Windows is better for the "appliance user"

When I developed Winrad and my other SDR programs, a few years ago, I
examined which
were the tools available to a serious developer.

My conclusion was that under Windows you could find professional tools,
geared towards
professional developments. What was available under Linux were little
more than toys,
meant for the hobbyists and the tinkerers. For example, at the time I
was unable to find
under Linux a development environment with the features and the power of
the Embarcadero
Rad Studio, which is what I use. This made me to choose Windows as my
main platform.

73 Alberto I2PHD

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