On 8/7/2013 6:02 PM, Russ Ramirez wrote:

/Hi Alberto, can you say which SDR software this is? I have a TI TIVA board
that is M4F based and am wondering if this new SDR code will support boards
like this./

Hi Russ,

   I am afraid it is not a software untied to a specific hardware...
The prototype was shown at the Ham Fair in Friedrichshafen, Germany, last June :


So the source code, being a commercial product, will not be released.

Anyway, the STM Discovery STM32F4 board, which I used for the development,
has a couple ADCs on the M4F chip, which I will use to sample RF at 
1.5 MHz. Using portions of the above software, I will implement an SDR meant for
VLF, LF and the first part of MW, whose source code I will release. So you will 
able to adapt it to your TIVA board.

Keep an eye to my soft_radio Yahoo group where I will announce (probably in the
October - November time frame) the availability of it.

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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