> The overall result is a bit disappointing, given what I set out to
> accomplish. I can now compare the results from PN3048 in baseband noise
> mode to get absolute measurements, which will be useful. The DOS code
> produces calibration and result files which are unreadable to the RMB
> version and PN3048, so my master plan to use the DOS cal data with
> RMB/PN3048 has been foiled.

Just to clarify, the CALDATAHI and CALDATALO files generated by the RMB version 
under the HTBasic emulator should be usable by your PN3048 installation.  Copy 
them out of the HTBasic working directory into the directory with the 
PN3048.EXE executable.

> All good clean fun, but at pennies per hour, a timepod looks like a bargain.

http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/538/731/0fc.gif :)

-- john, KE5FX
Miles Design LLC

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