Looking to the complex solutions for the frequency divider (CPLD/MCU), I start to think about skews and propagation delays. Its not obvious from the first glance. But I think such things exists. It could be interesting to compare the numbers. Is it worth to consider some correction to avoid phase difference between of input and output ?

On 2016-01-18 08:59, cfo wrote:
On Wed, 13 Jan 2016 09:22:09 +0000, Jerome Blaha wrote:

Is there an easy circuit to build that can consistently deliver a 1 PPS
from a 10MHz source with excellent resolution and repeatability?

Ulrich B. has made an AVR 1PPS, for those that uses AVR's instead of PIC's
AVR PPSDIV 2008-09-06 - in bottom of page.

The Mega8 version should be easy to port to an Arduino clone


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