
The input to the ADC is lowpass filtered. If you use a square wave it “sees” a 
more or less sine wave. If you are running
a very low frequency square wave, you can use an external lowpass filter. Since 
one channel is a reference, you may only 
need one external lowpass filter. 


> On Jun 14, 2016, at 3:35 AM, John Swenson <johnswens...@comcast.net> wrote:
> The idea here is around a 80MHz sample clock with a maximum input/ref signal 
> of around 25MHz. This is based on the TimePod with ADCs, which is supposed to 
> work with square waves. Its is using a 77MHz clock if I remember correctly, 
> so somewhere in the neighborhood of 12-13 ns per sample.
> When you feed a square wave into this you have several samples at say 50, 
> then it jumps to 50,000 stays there for several samples, then jumps down to 
> 50 again. This still seems like a binary sample. The difference is that every 
> now and then the sample hits during a ramptime of the square wave and will 
> give some intermediate value, is this enough of a difference to invalidate 
> the concept of a binary sample?
> Or is the difference that the ADC won't stay at 50, but will be bouncing 
> around say between 45 and 55 when the square wave is low and this noise makes 
> it work? If that is the case then wouldn't a longer measurement time do 
> essentially the same thing with slight variations of timing of the edge due 
> to the noise in the binary sampler?
> John S.
> On 6/13/2016 8:17 PM, Chris Caudle wrote:
>> On Mon, June 13, 2016 9:38 pm, Bruce Griffiths wrote:
>>> If the quantisation noise is random and spread uniformly over the Nyquist
>>> bandwidth (~40MHz??) then the noise floor is about -82dBc/Hz.
>> How do you spread the quantization noise randomly with a one bit
>> quantizer?  I'm mostly familiar with single bit quanitizers in the context
>> of audio range delta-sigma converters where the quantizer is in a feedback
>> loop to move most of the noise to a higher frequency range. That also
>> requires a clock much higher than the minimum nyquist requirement.
>> Maybe I need to see a block diagram of what is being described.  Where is
>> the clock for the ECL flip-flop generated?  I don't recall seeing a
>> description of what the effective sample rate will be, or the highest
>> clock signal accepted for analysis.
>>> With a high resolution RF ADC internal noise is usually sufficient
>>> (>= 1 lsb)) to ensure this.
>> Can't really dither to >= 1lsb when lsb=msb (single bit quantizer).
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