Hi Kevin,

The problem that some of what I described is dispersed over so many papers with small snippets of information here and there. I tried to cover some of it on the Wikipedia article for Allan Deviation, but I don't know how much remains after numerous of other edits. I'm sure it can be improved.

I tried to give you an intuitive feeling of what the math do for you, but the theory is quite boring.

Anyway, don't hesitate to ask questions!


On 08/11/2016 02:54 AM, Kevin Rosenberg wrote:
Hi Mangus,

No apologies necessary. Your music festival sounds more like it was more fun 
than the process review and implementation direction conference that I just 
returned from!

It is very kind of you to share your detailed knowledge on this subject. It is 
extremely relevant to what I am working on and is a great resource.

Much appreciated!


On Jul 31, 2016, at 10:41 PM, Magnus Danielson <mag...@rubidium.dyndns.org> 

Hi Kevin,

Sorry for jumping into the thread somewhat late, but I am away on a music 
festival, spending my vacation working.

I think some of what I would like to point out has already been covered, 
somewhat indirectly.

When you measure ADEV, white phase modulation and flicker phase modulation both 
depend on the bandwidth of the input channel. This is known already from David 
Allan's article in Feb 1966. One peculiarity in there, that I discussed with 
him as I met him at the IFCS 2016, is that the white phase modulation is 
assumed to be a block filter, and he said that it reflects the counters that 
they had at that time.
Anyway, any averaging you will do will affect the white and flicker phase 
modulations, but not white and flicker frequency modulations.
When you filter, you will inflict a bias in the values, but the bandwidth is the main 
cause of bias for white and flicker phase modulation. It turns out that also the 
frequency modulations is affected by filtering, which comes as no surprise. This makes 
ADEV a tricky business as you get biases to "true ADEV".

What is "true ADEV"? Well, ADEV is a method to estimate noise amplitudes using 
counters, simply because at the time, phase noise systems simply did not have enough 
frequency resolution to be useful for atomic clocks. The definition gives the 
relationship between the noise level and the ADEV value for that particular noise-type.
Any number of reasons to deviate from the ADEV values cause biases, and this in 
itself is not a problem if the bias can be characterized and compensated for, 
which is what the bias functions do. The pre-filtering that MDEV does is just a 
tau-long phase sample average prior to the ADEV step, and this causes a bias 
between the MDEV and ADEV functions, different between the different 
noise-types, but the bias functions is known. The use of bias functions is 
usually where most people fail.

Now, it was known in the beginning that ADEV values should always be given with 
the channel bandwidth, and the assumed assumption there is that it is a 
brick-wall filter as expected from time interval counters, delivering phase 
samples, or possibly frequency samples which is just a post-processing of the 
phase samples. The annotation of bandwidth got lost over time, and we can 
assume that it is f_h=1/(2T) due to Nyquist.

Let's now consider two averaging methods, one where we average all samples over 
a second and another when we use a classic one-pole low-pass filter and sample 
the output. The average will have the assumed brick-wall property, as if the 
counter measured at 1 s tau, but obviously the white phase modulation noise is 
being averaged down and so will flicker phase modulation noise be to some 
degree, which is already in their formulas. For the low-pass filter, you will 
get the bandwidth aspect, which will behave similar, but as the slope behaves, 
it will sum up the noise differently as you integrate over frequency, so it 
will provide a different answer, in fact, the ADEV response and hence bias 
function has not been established in published work, and as I have asked around 
fellow researchers, only one has made some scrap note calculations during the 
PhD thesis time and David Allan knows that Fred Walls was working on it, as 
they had their offices next to each other at NBS/NIST in Boulder
, but it is not known if the notes every survived.

What we do know is what was hinted before, if you produce samples at high 
enough rate compared to your lowest analysis tau, then the bias will be small 
enough to not be a practical matter. For telecom measurements for instance, the 
highest sample tau is 1/30 of the lowest analysis tau in order to avoid this 
bias. The standard is very well-written in this regard, as it then provides a 
practical solution while allowing for many different types of implementation of 
the measurement, while keeping the implementation type from coloring the result 
too much, as the comparability of results is important.

Another aspect of box-car averaging or any form of averaging is also that 
sub-sampling can suffer from aliasing problems, and neither box-car averaging 
or single-pole filters have very good anti-aliasing properties, so higher 
degree filters is needed, it's just that well, we don't have their bias 

A fascinating set of additional biases can be found in counters using various 
averaging techniques, and then output data which may or may not be overlapping. 
Not all off them can be used to produce proper ADEV or MDEV, some may be used 
to produce proper values, but only if their overlapping output is treated like 
overlapping for the tau they average over and processed properly, but when not 
it produces biases. I see this regularly enough in poster sessions among 
others. Several tools fail to handle such overlapping output properly.

In the end "true ADEV" values is tricky business, and mostly because it is not 
very well understood. I've spent much time learning to do it properly, digging deeper and 
deeper and I'm not happy of the situation.
There is more research to be done, it is not only an engineering aspect 
remaining, still after 50 years.


On 07/31/2016 01:08 AM, Tom Van Baak wrote:
SDRs sample at high rates. The slowest the USRP N2x0 can sample is just under 

Hi Kevin,

I don't have an easy answer for you. BobC / BruceG / MagnusD / JohnM / EnricoR 
can shed light on this. But I support your effort to figure out how to obtain 
real truth from a massive oversampled data set.

If you feel uneasy that ADEV statistics might lie, see: 

ADEV is always a tricky, since the measurement bandwidth is not always 
specified, or how that bandwidth is implemented. Both the front-end h/w design 
and any embedded s/w manipulation of raw data will distort (bias) the 
statistics. Distortion itself is not a show-stopper, as long as you can 
properly model it and back it out. But it seems the challenge is knowing how 
valid the model is, and if model itself depends on the noise type.


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