On Tue, 11 Apr 2017 07:31:01 +0000
Andre <an...@lanoe.net> wrote:

> Has anyone else either built an atomic clock around a bare Rb lamp module 
> "core" or attempted
> to make a hydrogen maser?

Building my own Rb vapor cell standard or H-maser is on my list
of Things-I-have-to-do-before-I-die :-)

If I had to do one of those now, I would go for a Rb vapor cell
with dual-resonance using an external cavity laser diode for pumping.

The electronics for such a thing are relatively easy, if you are not
afraid of Jiga-Hurts and using these pesky QFN packages. But it isn't
cheap either. There was a discussion started by Bert[1] where I ventured
a rough calculation what I think it wold cost. Though I think I have
understimated the cost of an ECLD (it's more like 1k-5k from what I have read)

                                Attila Kinali

[1] search for "thinking outside the box" in the archives

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