That network was for a 10MHz input.

For 5MHz double the L and C values.

For 3.3V one could use a lower step up say from  50 to 400 ohms rather than 
from 50 to 800 ohms.

1uH and 150pF and change 1k6 resistors to 820R.

Swap the 5V supply for a 3.3V supply.

L and C values aren't critical 5% or somewhat looser tolerance should be 


>     On 20 January 2018 at 14:14 Bruce Griffiths <> 
> wrote:
>     Something like the attached circuit is suitable for driving the MCU clock 
> input directly.
>     The diodes should be schottky signal diodes like the 1N5711 series. The 
> series resistors limit the diode peak current and the CLK input protection 
> network current. It should work with inputs from 1V pp to 8Vpp. If SMT 
> components were used it should all fit on a DIP compatible daughter board.
>     Bruce
>         > > 
> >         On 20 January 2018 at 12:37 Bob kb8tq <> wrote:
> > 
> >         Bob
> > 
> >         With a 1V p-p sort of output, a simple matching network will get 
> > you into the 4 to 6V p-p range.
> >         Drive that into a 5V compatible CMOS gate and move on …. If you 
> > have a super hot output, put
> >         a 3 db pad on it.
> > 
> >         Bob
> > 
> >             > > > 
> > >             On Jan 19, 2018, at 5:40 PM, Tom Van Baak 
> > > <> wrote:
> > > 
> > >                 > > > > 
> > > >                 Tom
> > > >                 What's the input signal amplitude?
> > > >                 What's the desired output signal (eg 5V CMOS, 3.3V CMOS 
> > > > etc)?
> > > >                 Bruce
> > > > 
> > > >             > > > 
> > >             It's for a typical 5 or 10 MHz OCXO / Rb / Cs with sinewave 
> > > output; say, 1 Vpp. The output should be 3.3 or 5 V depending on what the 
> > > MCU needs. It doesn't have to have stunning performance: think 
> > > breadboard, PIC, Arduino sort of stuff. I was looking for something in a 
> > > PDIP-8 package; the same as all the picDIV or picPET chips I use. That's 
> > > why older parts like µA9637 / DS9637 came to mind.
> > > 
> > >             /tvb
> > > 
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