According to what I have heard the 60KHz WWVB carrier is guaranteed accurate to 
the atomic standard and is considered traceable.  I remember when I was in the 
Navy years ago I remember taking our unit's HP5245L for calibration and they 
used a VLF tracking receiver at 60KHz to do the calibration.  If WWVB goes off 
the air what is the replacement for the 60KHz standard?


-----Original Message-----
From: time-nuts [] On Behalf Of Perry 
Sandeen via time-nuts
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 6:34 PM
Cc: Perry Sandeen
Subject: [time-nuts] WWV and legal issues

Yo Dudes!�
WWV and all its variations distribute what in the USA is the legal standard of 
time (from USNO) and frequency (NIST).
�If one is running a freq cal service IIRC it is a legal requirement to be able 
to have traceability to WWV.

If one was to rely on other sources, one has no guarantee that it 1. It is as 
accurate as claimed and 2. It can't be *diddled* with accidentally or 
Although GPSDO's are very good and popular, they come from satellites that are 
vulnerable to damage from earth based resources.
When your time and frequency standard(s) is under control on your own physical 
territory then they stand or fail on their own.�
After the atom bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, one of the major inventors of 
the bomb (I don't remember who) went to see US president Harry Truman and 
essentially told him that the scientists who developed the bomb should have a 
say of how or when it should be used.
Truman is reported to have said for him to leave his office and told an aid 
that was responsible for his schedule to "never in hell let that (or any other) 
scientist� come to his office to influence American defense policy."
Considering its status from both a scientific and political perspective, IMNSHO 
it will go on as before.
To explain the political. No government official wants to see China or the 
Russian federation tell the world quote: See, the USA can't be trusted for 
something as important and simple as frequency and time.� However we are your 
friends who you can trust. Unquote.

This is a case of practical use of WWV albeit over 50 years a go the 
fundamentals are still valid today.
At Karamursel Air station TUSLOG 234 I was assigned to the base receiver site.� 
Our base had to purposes.� to� �

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