Hi Bill,

Thanks for the note!

I leave the Trimble Thunderbolt powered up all the time because since the last rollover in April it takes a long time to find the satellites and it doesn't give 10 MHz output until it has found the satellites for the first time, so none of my gear that is fed by it works until it has achieved satellite lock at least once after being powered up.  After that it will give (undisciplined) 10 MHz output when it loses satellites.  I don't know if that lack of initial output is normal or not, because before the last rollover it would find the satellites quickly, before I had the rest of the station ready to go so I never noticed.

The Thunderbolt had been up and running continuously, stuck in the power-up mode for well more that a week without progressing to normal mode when I decided today to power it down and restart it to see if it would then advance from power-up to normal mode.  It has been more than 4 hours since I restarted it earlier today and it still is in power-up mode.

You are right that the DAC is consistently 0.  PPS error jumps around between -50 and +50 ns.  OSC error is consistently in the range of 543000 to 548000 ppt.  I don't understand why is says "Discipline OK" when it isn't disciplining, given the DAC voltage of zero and the large oscillator error.

All of this is a recent development.  The last time I took a screen grab of Lady Heather, last October, all looked well as you can see in the screen grab from last October:


I was hoping that I had recently accidentally set some setting incorrectly and that this would therefore be an easy fix.  I guess that is not the case :(

Thanks again Bill and



On 9/24/2019 3:10 PM, Bill Beam wrote:
How long has unit been powered on?

GPS looks ok but osc is not locked, osc error is high at 500K ppt,
should be below 50ppt.  DAC shows no activity.

Give it time (maybe an hour) to see if it goes from 'Power-up' to 'Normal"

On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 13:32:18 -0400, Roger Rehr W3SZ wrote:

HI All,
I am wondering if I have set up my Trimble Thunderbolt wrong.
I have corrected for roll-over and everything looks good in Lady Heather
but the Thunderbolt stays in Power-up mode according to Lady Heather,
and is always "doing fixes" even though I have entered the lat and lon
for a fixed location.
According to Lady Heather Disciplining is OK, and of course the log
reflects this as well
#! new minor alarm state 0800:-  Tracking sats- -  Discipline OK- -  : at tow
You can see the situation from this screen grab of Lady Heather:
Have I done something wrong in configuration, or is this consistent
Power-up mode and "doing fixes" notation the expected behavior?

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