Thanks to Bill and Mike for the very helpful info!
Unfortunately, doing warm reset, cold reset, factory reset, multiple self surveys did not solve the problem.
Forcing Disciplining to Enabled did not help.
Tuning the oscillator did not help.

I can manually control the DAC voltage using appropriate commands and the 10 MHz output changes appropriately following each manual command.
But the DAC voltage doesn't respond to GPS input.

I note from my old records that when the unit is working properly and the DAC IS being controlled by the GPS, Lady Heather still says "Doing fixes", because fixes are in fact being done.  But when Lady Heather is working properly, she says that the Discipline mode is "Normal" instead of "Power-Up" as she does now.

I used TBoltMon.exe to see if I could get any more info on the problem.  In TBoltMon.exe's GUI under "Disciplining Status" Mode is listed as "(1) Power-up" and Activity is listed as "(1) Osc Warm-up".

So I wondered if the problem is that the Thunderbolt thinks that the oscillator has not warmed up and therefore won't come out of Power-Up mode.  But the manual says that the Tunderbolt won't start acquiring satellites and do the self survey until it has warmed up.  And the situation is that it has acquired satellites and it has done the self survey, both of which would suggest that it thinks that the oscillator HAS warmed up.  The the TBoltMon reading on the oscillator status seems to be inconsistent with how the Thunderbolt is performing;  it is acting like the oscillator IS warmed up, at least in some respects.

Are there any schematics or diagrams or service manuals available for the Thunderbolt?  I couldn't find any with Google.

Thanks again to Bill and Mike and all for your help!



On 9/24/2019 1:32 PM, Roger Rehr W3SZ wrote:
HI All,

I am wondering if I have set up my Trimble Thunderbolt wrong.

I have corrected for roll-over and everything looks good in Lady Heather but the Thunderbolt stays in Power-up mode according to Lady Heather, and is always "doing fixes" even though I have entered the lat and lon for a fixed location.

According to Lady Heather Disciplining is OK, and of course the log reflects this as well

#! new minor alarm state 0800:  Tracking sats   Discipline OK   : at tow 235167

You can see the situation from this screen grab of Lady Heather:

Have I done something wrong in configuration, or is this consistent Power-up mode and "doing fixes" notation the expected behavior?

I am using the Thunderbolt as at 10 MHz source for my microwave station.

Thanks in advance and 73,

Roger Rehr

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