
That's nice correlation. You will find that everywhere... information which 
never glue together.

Another example to add: The maintenance contract/support of Open ERP SA costs 
€1800 (lowest for 10 users per year) and covers only 'certified' modules. 
But, the same certified modules are there on ODOO and available for 
€39/month/user and its covered by the same maintenance contract. So if it is 
bug fix that you need, an integrator could have an ODOO instance, reproduce the 
same bug in that instance, and hurray its covered by maintenance contract. 

Another example is the 'certification' of modules. The most recent being the 
certification of magento openerp integration, where customers pay hefty to 
openerp to give them a certified version of a community module (supposedly with 
better quality). I assume the module then gets added to  openobject-addons (a 
branch closed for commit rights to openerp SA employees) and also made 
available on ODOO. (Note:This has not happened yet with magento erpconnect). 
The customer gets the module, the original developers continue the development 
(supposedly without quality) but the customer is not allowed to get the new 
improvements because its not certified. He has to use certified legacy code, 
because his maintenance contract is otherwise invalid? Well, is this free as in 
freedom? I would prefer to call this highest order restriction! a clear 
violation of GPL? 

and this is what I call a perfectly broken business policy. This is worse than 


According to me the BIG REASON why the openoffice report designer module cannot 
be published is that its a violation of copyrights. The whole program is 90% 
work of Danny Brewer, 10% Open ERP code and its glorious copyright statements. 
They completely omitted Danny Brewer from the code. I had once reported this 
and Olivier Dony of Open ERP accepted it. So essentially, Open ERP SA violated 
GPL code of Danny Brewer by secretly selling his work without his copyright.

I am not surprised to see fabien change his word according to the situation. 
Its quite normal and community members have to get used to it. Everybody at the 
march community meet was given a promise that 'Poweremail' would be integrated 
into the core in 6.0 and in April they started developing a parallel module 
with same functionality and the excuse just like now was "the guy who developed 
it from openerp was not aware of the module" 

And i repeat the words of sraps: 

> it seems, that you have to pay more attention to what is being done by the 
> team. 

to end on a good note:

> In practive, we maintain v5 up to april 2015. (the expected date of the 8.0 
> release.) 

Thanks for this information, this is really interesting and helps to give 
authentic information to customers. Hope its kept ;)

Sharoon Thomas
Business Analyst & ERP Consultant
CEO at openlabs.co.in

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