On 8/24/06, Jose L. Ponce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jose,
> To connect to multiple  motes you would write something along the lines of:
> [...]

Thanks a lot for that. I had been trying to use these phoenix sources
a while ago but didn't get to make my program work.

This means that when I start a java program that wants to talk to
different motes through different SerialForwarders, it needs also
needs to read from a table for each mote id in which USB port it is

What's more, if I want to send a message to mote "100", for example, using

mote_if_of_mote100.send(100, message);


mote_if_of_mote100.send(TOS_BCAST_ADDRESS, message);

will give the same result.


But this would also mean that it is not possible to send a message to
_all_ motes simultaneously, right? This would be a big problem...
That's correct.  Simultaneous transmission to all motes over usb would
be difficult over a point to point link such as USB .  USB host
schedules transmissions to individual endpoints on a 1 ms granularity,
and depending on the precise timing of requests you may observe as
much as 2 ms between requests.   It sounds like if you want  motes to
receive a message simultaneously, a radio broadcast channel may be


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