Ensure that your TOSSIM simulation has started before you start
capturing packets.
Are you directly using Oscilloscope (without SF) for listening?

Tarun Bansal

On 4/29/07, Chan kenniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
dear all,

I have followed you guys kind suggestion, and set the MOTECOM by using
" export MOTECOM=tossim-serial", but what it returned to me is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] died -- restarting
I also used the serialforwarder, and it also had that problem, the server
port is 9001

Still not work :-(, whyyyyyyy >.<

Thanks for your answer.


On 4/28/07, Chan kenniel < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am new to tinyos, and I have encountered the following problem when I
follow the instruction of this link
> the quote text is from the website aboved
> " The 'listen' tool: displaying raw packet data
> The first step to establishing communication between the PC and the mote
is to connect up your serial port cable to the programming board, and to
make sure that you have Java and the javax.comm package installed. After
programming your mote with the Oscilloscope code, cd to the tools/java
directory, and type   make
>   export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:baudrate
> The environment variable MOTECOM tells the java Listen tool (and most
other tools too) which packets it should listen to. Here
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:baudrate says to listen to a mote connected to a serial
port, where serialportis the serial port that you have connected the
programming board to, and baudrate is the specific baudrate of the mote. For
the mica and mica2dot motes, the baud rate is 19200, for the mica2 it is
57600 baud. You can also use a mote name as the baudrate (in which case that
motes baudrate is selected). So you could do any of:
>   export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:19200 # mica baud rate
> export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:mica # mica baud rate, again
> export MOTECOM=
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:mica2 # the mica2 baud rate, on a different serial port
> export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:57600 # explicit mica2 baud rate
> Set MOTECOM appropriately, then run   java net.tinyos.tools.Listen
> You should see some output resembling the following: % java
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:19200: resynchronising
> 7e 00 0a 7d 1a 01 00 0a 00 01 00 46 03 8e 03 96 03 96 03 96 03 97 03 97 03
97 03 97 03 97 03
> 7e 00 0a 7d 1a 01 00 14 00 01 00 96 03 97 03 97 03 98 03 97 03 96 03 97 03
96 03 96 03 96 03
> 7e 00 0a 7d 1a 01 00 1e 00 01 00 98 03 98 03 96 03 97 03 97 03 98 03 96 03
97 03 97 03 97 03
> The program is simply printing the raw data of each packet received from
the serial port.
> Before continuning, execute unset MOTECOM to avoid forcing all java
applications to use the serial port to get packets. If you don't have the
javax.comm package installed properly, then the program will complain that
it can't find the serial port. If you do not see that data lines on the
screen, you may have chosen the wrong COM port or the mote may not be
correctly connected to the computer. "
> I have followed what it tells me to do, but when I use the command I only
> % java net.tinyos.tools.Listen
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:19200: resynchronising
> There's no the data line 7e 00 7d .... show up, it keeps listening, but
listen nothing. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong please? Here is what I
> Noted: I have no mote plug in the computer, but I was wondering is it
> 1) I went to /apps/Oscilloscope directory, and use command "make PC",
after compile, I run by using " build/pc/main.exe 1" command, and in cygwin
window, there's bunch of data flashing
> out in the screen, which I think it's working.
> 2) then I move to another cygwin window, and go to /tools/java, then use
command "make"
> after making java, I export the port I want to listen which I used:
> export [EMAIL PROTECTED]:19200
> then I use
> java net.tinyos.tools.Listen
> at this moment, nothing comes up. what did I do wrong? or did I miss
> Thanks a lot for your answer.
> --
> Best wishes,
> Kenneth Chan
> ------------------------
> Wish you have a good day!

Best wishes,
Kenneth Chan

Wish you have a good day!
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