On Aug 3, 2007, at 2:16 AM, Ravi Prasad wrote:


I am trying to find out optimal value of sleeping
period ( or in other words the duty cycle) to be used
in applications using CC2420 LPL for radio duty

The  term "optimal" here means a value of sleep period
which will perform best(best in terms of power
consumption & througput) in general radio traffic.
Lets say every node in network sending 1

Q. -- Did anyone tested CC2420LPL with different sleep
period settings??

I do understand that the optimal value will depend on
many variables like data rate, network size, number of
hops travelled by packet etc. But to start any input
on this issue will be great help for me.

I'd recommend Joe Polastre's paper in SenSys 2004 (the BMAC paper), which has an analytical framework for answering this question.

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