
On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, Razvan Musaloiu-E. wrote:


On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, David wrote:

Thanks. I got this working (had some problems, will detail below). The
gesture and the extra deluge slots appear to be working, as well as
the extra status line for the currently-executing mote. Thanks.

I had the following problems:

* Kept getting "No such file or directory:
errors when trying to install the newly-built images.

I fixed this by changing to the tos/lib/tosboot directory and running
"make telosb". "make all" didn't create this file. But it was included
in the ubuntu installers.

This step is mention in the Quick Start of the manual [1]. When everything is more stable we'll commit a version of tosboot in the CVS as it was in TinyOS 1.x.


* Your instructions installed tos-deluge etc under $HOME/local/bin
which wasn't under my path.

I fixed this by running: export PATH=/home/david/local/bin/:$PATH

We are doing this way in order to allow multiple version on the same system.

I found a few more issues with Deluge while testing your updates:

* Only image 1 can be disseminated.

I understand about image 0, for protection of the Golden Image
(Section 5.2 from tinyos-1.x/doc/deluge-manual.pdf), but images 2 and
3 should be able to disseminate.

I'll investigate this.

I reprogrammed both of my testing motes with the updated GoldenImage,
erased the 4 slots, injected the blink deluge test into slot 0 on the
basestation, and attempted to disseminate. It only works on Deluge
slot 1.

I tried this a few times (erasing images 0-4 from both testing motes,
then reinstalling the Blink testing deluge app on both and retrying

One thing I notice (on the deb-installed version) is that I can fix
mote dissemination (after being interrupted and refusing to resume),
by re-injecting on the basestation and re-trying the disseminate (so
it is possible to "unbrick" updating, but it still is a problem for
our needs). Also, the original version can disseminate both slots, not
just #1.

* I can't build the GoldenImage or other Deluge apps with the "sim"
option to test under TOSSIM. Is this currently unsupported?

(I usually use telosb, but the tutorial says that only micaz is
supported under tinyos-2.x)

make micaz sim
mkdir -p build/micaz
 placing object files in build/micaz
 writing XML schema to app.xml
 compiling GoldenImageC to object file sim.o
ncc -c -shared -fPIC -o build/micaz/sim.o -g -O0 -tossim
-fnesc-nido-tosnodes=1000 -fnesc-simulate
-fnesc-nido-motenumber=sim_node\(\)   -Wall -Wshadow -Wnesc-all
-target=micaz -fnesc-cfile=build/micaz/app.c -board=micasb
-finline-limit=100000 -Ibuild/micaz -DDELUGE_BASESTATION -DDELUGE
-DIDENT_HOSTNAME=\"lnxdavid\" -DIDENT_USER_HASH=0xb4cd1e4cL
-DIDENT_UNIX_TIME=0x476b75e9L -DIDENT_UID_HASH=0xb19a3410L
-Wno-nesc-data-race GoldenImageC.nc   -fnesc-dump=components
-fnesc-dump=variables -fnesc-dump=constants -fnesc-dump=typedefs
-fnesc-dump=interfacedefs -fnesc-dump=tags -fnesc-dumpfile=app.xml
error: StorageVolumes.h: No such file or directory
In component `GoldenImageC':
GoldenImageC.nc:31: failed to preprocess
make: *** [sim-exe] Error 1

That syntax does however work for non-deluge apps (eg: basic Blink
demo). Even if it gets a lot of compile warnings.

As Mike said, this is due to lack simulation of the flash. Blink doesn't use the flash and that's why is not affected but all of the applications from apps/tests/storage are.

* Currently-executing UID can be incorrect if you programmed the mote
via "make install" instead of through Deluge.

This is not serious, but it could be confusing. Could also be related
to the next point:

* "Currently Executing" always shows slot 1 UID, regardless of what
image you've actually booted the basestation into.

You should be able to reproduce this problem by:

1) Rebuild the blink deluge test app (to get a new UID)
2) Inject into slot 0
3) Repeat above for slots 1-3
4) Reboot basestation into slot 0
5) Ping slot 0, compare "currently executing UID" with the slot UID
6) Repeat 4-5 for slots 1-3

I'll investigate these.

Can you please check again using the latest CVS? I was not able to reproduce this on it.

Razvan ME
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