On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Kevin Klues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll try and put something together sometime this week or next.  Its
> just a matter of finding the time.
> Kevin

I can help out a bit with this, or at least do some (Debian Etch &
Sid) testing, if it will help.

I assume you have scripts, or docs you follow to manually build binary
debs for each release?

If you're too busy to make source packages in the next few weeks,
could you forward any rough notes/scripts to me so I can try

Otherwise I'll try to reverse-engineer source packages by extracting
the binary installers and then creating debian control files to make
binary packages with the same layout (after performing the normal
build under a Debian Stable chroot).

I also want to make the .deb packages more Debian-friendly (eg: put
stuff under FHS-complient /usr dirs instead of /opt. Also don't
require users to update their PATH env vars. And various other things
suggested by lintian). But that comes later.

I'm mainly interested in debianising the stuff under /opt/tinyos2.x,
but I'll try the other packages too if you send me info for how their
.deb files are built.

Should I send debianisation patches to you?

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