
Please-please indent the message properly because otherwise is really hard 
to read your messages. To avoid confusion I manually fix it the one below.

On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, BAI LI wrote:

>> Note: TINYOS_NP=BNP was renamed to TINYOS_NP=tosboot. A basestation doesn't
>> have to have the bootloader thought.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/tinyos-2.x$ tos-deluge /dev/ttyS2 telosb -i 1 
>>> apps/tests/deluge/Blink/build/telosb/tos_image.xml
>>> it works well.
>>> then i install GoldenImage on another mote
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /opt/tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/deluge/GoldenImage$ make 
>>> telosb install,1 bsl
>> Here is a mistake. You should pick other unique addresses for the clients.
>> Try to do that an see if it works. I'll also give it a try when I get to
>> school.
> You mean I can't use address 0 for base station any more? 1 is the first
> address?

You can use 0 as an address but you need to make sure that the address 
are unique. If you don't give any address to the 'make install' it will 
default to 1.

Razvan ME
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