
On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, BAI LI wrote:

> Hi Razvan,
> I have tried your suggestions. It worked fine. I tested one mote and also
> several motes. But I still have a couple of questions I would like to hear
> your opinion. Thank you very much for your help.
> Question 1: how long is this base station gonna keep sending the
> reprogramming commande? forever? or for a period of time?

The command is propagated using DRIP, a dissemination algorithm. The 
dissemination is continuous but the number of message exchanges will 
decrease from 1 per second to 1 per about 17 seconds. It's called a 
trickle timer and you can read more about it in this paper:

        Trickle: A Self-Regulating Algorithm for Code Propagation and 
Maintenance in Wireless Sensor Networks

> Question 2: Is it possible to ask base station to send the command to a
> specificied node? any command flag?

There is no such a flag.

> Question 3: Is that possible to ask the node to forward reprogrammng command
> to the motes it can reach?

This already happens due to dissemination.

> Question 4: Is this the only way to reprogram the WSN? any other methods I
> missed?

Not that I'm aware of.

> Question 5: I have removed the TINYOS_NP=tosboot but the reprogramming
> process still succeeded. Why? it seems this code is useless.

Can you explain more about the exact steps you did? tosboot is the part 
that is responsible for taking an image from the external flash and write 
it in the internal flash of the mote. This happens during the 
"random" blinking of the leds after a reboot.

Razvan ME

> On 9/30/08, Razvan Musaloiu-E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, BAI LI wrote:
>> I have also run the burn-net command as you requested
>> I just tried burn-net and it crashed because the tos-bsl doesn't seem to be
>> very stable. I was able to test the functionality from burn-net using the
>> following manual sequence of operations:
>>  1) plug mote A (COM7)
>>  2) make telosb install,2
>>  3) plug mote B (COM14)
>>  4) CFLAGS=-DDELUGE_BASESTATION make install,1
>>  5) CFLAGS=-DBLINK_REVERSE make telosb
>>  6) tos-deluge /dev/ttyS13 -i 1 build/telosb/tos_image.xml
>>  7) tos-deluge /dev/ttyS13 -dr 1
>> Can you please try something similar? :-)
>> --
>> Razvan ME
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