Hi all,

I am using Deluge T2 with telosb motes. I would like to make my program's
code suitable for Deluge T2 because now it does not properly answer to
Deluge commands. The question is : Which differences must have an
application to work with Deluge T2?

I have seen the differences between Blink and deluge/Blink and I tried to
did the same for BlinkToRadio. I can disseminate the image, but it does not
reboot using it. The main changes I made were:

· BlinkToRadioAppc.nc.  I added "components DelugeC" and the wiring
"DelugeC.Leds -> LedsC;"

· Makefile. I added the lines I saw in Blink's Makefile -->

                     #CFLAGS += -DDELUGE_BASESTATION
                     #CFLAGS += -DDELUGE_LIGHT_BASESTATION

· Volumes. I copied both XML squemas (altough I only need the stm25p).

Have you got any suggestion about mistakes I made or references to more
extensive information about creating Deluge T2 applications??

Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards,
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