
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 1:20 PM, "Sebastian Dölker"
<sebastiandoel...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hallo,
> unfortunately I wasn’t successfully in reading out the i2c_status..
> I successfully included the dbgmsg-components but on the pc-side
> I can’t receive dbg-messages.
> (I use blip‘s ipbasestation ..does it work together?)

If you haven't defined any DIAGMSG_ constant, it will send to the
serial port. If you define DIAGMSG_RADIO, it will send through the
radio with single hop broadcast (but I don't know if it will work blip
together with blip). By the way: How do you use blip on iris? It's not
supported yet (see the thread "IRIS support on current Blip Version")

> If you want to reconstruct the i2c error you can manually pull
> scl low for a long (ca. 2-3 sec) time, while you are reading out
> an i2c sensor with a cycle time of 1 sec…
> I think that will end in the same error state which occurs in
> communication with the co2 sensor I’m using..

Ok, now I really don't understand the problem.
In your first mail, you wrote both lines stayed high. It means that
the bus is busy, and the driver returns E_BUSY, as it should, but
after i2c_abort(), everything is working again. The problem is
probably a failed communication, which the driver couldn't handle, and
still waits for an answer from the slave.

Now you say I should pull the SCL line low, and use the i2c bus. This
means HOLD MASTER. This is a signal generated by the slave, becouse it
isn't ready for communication. The driver should wait with the first
job while the SCL is low (and sends EBUSY to any new request), and as
soon as the SCL is released it should do the first job.
Do you say that the i2c is still busy after releasing the SCL?

> I think it doesn’t make sense for me to go one trying to find
> out where the problem in the communication between co2-sensor and
> i2c-device driver is, because I don’t really overlook the i2c-device
> driver..so first of all I think I should do the bit-banging workaround…

It still be much easier to resolve this bug, if you could send me the
debug output of the low level communication, and it might be easier
than writing a bit-banging driver.

> Best regards
> Sebastian
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