Title: Re: Textbook ethics question
I have used my ethics textbook in my ethics classes, but my institution has a conflict-of-interest policy requiring formal approval by the Trustees.  In that document I was also asked to justify my choice.  Even though your situation is different (flat fee up front), you might want to check to ensure that your institution does not have a similar policy and that it does not apply to you.

I also included in the syllabus a rationale for my choice.

Also, as Gary notes, I always gave my students a small envelope containing $2.25 (my half of the royalties after taxes).  Their initial startle turned quickly to satisfied amusement.

Tricia K-S

on 7/17/02 9:36 AM, Gary Klatsky at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Authors I know who assign or recommend their own textbooks frequently will donate any royalties, etc. they make from their students.  Thatıs clearly not the case for you. The only financial gain you may receive would be indirect, the greater use of your study guide may result in your being asked to write the revision.  Given the number of student you have, I canıt see that being a factor. I donıt see an ethical problem if you recommend the book.

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