Hi everyone:

Thanks to everyone for their helpful guidance on the z-score situation.
Actually, I ended using an combination of all of your suggestions.  I
used David's examples of focusing on two particular distributions of
tests scores (see below for the specifics).  I framed this situation in
the context of Max's example of a wager between two roommates.  I also
took Mike's approach to discussing the differences between various
standard scores and then discussing the formula.  This was the third
hour outside of the classroom that I have devoted to helping this
student understand z-scores, but I think that he is finally beginning to
understand the concept.  Now, on to T-scores....   :)

Thanks again for all of your help!


Roderick D. Hetzel, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
LeTourneau University
Post Office Box 7001
2100 South Mobberly Avenue
Longview, Texas  75607-7001
Office:   Education Center 218
Phone:    903-233-3893
Fax:      903-233-3851
Homepage: http://www.letu.edu/people/rodhetzel

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David L. Carpenter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 4:02 PM
> To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
> Subject: Re: z-score woes
> Rod,
> Maybe an example closer to home would help.  Give him as an 
> example his score on two hypothetical exams in the same 
> class.  Set it up so his numerical score on the first exam is 
> lower than his numerical score on the second exam, but on the 
> first exam is above the mean of the class and below it on the 
> second exam.  Ask him which exam he did better on. 
> Obviously he did higher on the second, but relatively (and on 
> the grading
> curve) he did poorer on the second exam.  Maybe that will get 
> him thinking a little outside his box.
> Dave Carpenter
> Dept. of Psychology
> St. Bonaventure University
> St. Bonaventure, NY 14778
> > Rod:
> > 
> > When introducing the class in the use of Z-scores (read 
> "Zed Scores" 
> > in the Great White North, eh?) I think that it's important 
> to stress 
> > the idea that we are talking about how an individual does 
> _relative to 
> > the rest of the distribution_.
> > 
> > An example I use involves a bet between two roommates, Pat 
> and Chris, 
> > who are in two different statistics courses. They have 
> midterms coming 
> > up, and they want to make a bet as to who will "do better" on the 
> > exam.
> > 
> > Pat suggests that whoever gets the higher score on their 
> exam wins the 
> > bet (no dishwashing for a week). Chris points out that the 
> two exams 
> > may have different numbers of questions, and/or a different maximum 
> > score. So, looking at the raw scores may not be a way to 
> compare their 
> > two performances [e.g., 45 out of 55 versus 49 out of 60]. Instead, 
> > they should each convert their grades to a percentage, and compare 
> > percentages. [This introduces the concept of converting or 
> > transforming scores]
> > 
> > That's an imporvement, says Pat. But what if your prof gives you an 
> > easy exam with a high class average, while my prof gives a toughie 
> > with a lower class average? That wouldn't be fair to me. [Must take 
> > distribution average into account] Let's make it so that 
> who ever does 
> > better relative to their class average wins the bet. In 
> other words, 
> > subtract the class average from your score [X - Xbar], and 
> whoever has 
> > the higher positive difference wins.
> > 
> > Chris replies with, I like the idea of comparing scores to the 
> > respective class average rather than raw scores, but if 
> your exam is 
> > out of 100 and mine is out of 20, you're much more likely to get a 
> > high positive difference score. [The scores come from distributions 
> > with different properties] And even if the two exams are out of the 
> > same total and have the same average, maybe your class will 
> have much 
> > more variability around that average, giving you a better chance of 
> > scoring further above the mean than I would have in my 
> class of less 
> > variable scores. [Must take variability into account]
> > 
> > So how do we handle this, they ask. Let's figure the standard 
> > deviation (a measure of variability) for each class 
> distribution, and 
> > see who scores more standard deviations [standard scores or 
> Z-scores] 
> > above the mean. That will give us a standardized measure of 
> our scores 
> > relative to our respective class distributions.  [This is 
> exactly what 
> > a Z score is: a standardized score indicating relative 
> position in a 
> > distribution, i.e., where a score stands relative to all of 
> the other 
> > scores in a distribution, taking into account each 
> distribution's mean 
> > and standard devaition].
> > 
> > I then provide the two roommates' scores and their respective class 
> > averages and standard deviations. Next, we calculate the 
> percentage, 
> > difference score (X - Xbar), and Z score for each raw score.
> > 
> > I try to work it out such that the "Better" score goes back 
> and forth 
> > depending on which measure is used. For example, raw score: 
> Pat wins; 
> > percentage score: Chris wins; difference score: Pat wins;  Z-score, 
> > which I explain is the fairest way to compare scores from two 
> > distributions: Chris wins the bet (Chris did better relative to the 
> > rest of the scores in her class's distribution) and doesn't have to 
> > wash dishes for a week!
> > 
> > For a pictorial representation, I demonstrate by drawing two normal 
> > distributions (with differing variability) centred one under the 
> > other, indicating the two means and where one standard 
> deviation lies 
> > in each distribution, i.e., under the point of inflection. 
> Then I ask 
> > students to estimate how far along the respective X axis 
> each of the 
> > two raw scores would be found. If we've talked about percentile 
> > scores, I'll expalin how Z scores can be transformed into 
> percentile 
> > scores.
> > 
> > The same example can be used when comparing one person's 
> scores from 
> > two different tests (e.g., first and second midterm exams), 
> to check 
> > on improvement realtive to the rest of the class. Also takes into 
> > account the difficulty (mean) and variability (standard 
> deviation) of 
> > each of the two midterms (distributions with different properties).
> > 
> > As with many of the examples and demos I've collected over 
> the years, 
> > I can't recall where I found this demonstration (textbook, 
> > instructor's manual, TIPS, or if I made it up).
> >  
> > With a student such as Rod's who doesn't see the need to include 
> > standard deviations in a calculation, I'd draw out two 
> distributions 
> > one over the other with the same mean but with different 
> spreads, and 
> > show how it is easier to get a higher raw score on the distribution 
> > with the greater spread.
> > 
> > Perhaps Rod's student is having difficulty understanding 
> why it's not 
> > "cheating" to convert to Z scores because the examples of 
> running and 
> > swimming speeds are too dissimilar (minutes versus 
> seconds). Have you 
> > tried an example of running speed when comparing say four-year olds 
> > (slower speeds, less variability) to the same kids when they're 8 
> > years old (faster speeds and greater variability) to show 
> that, even 
> > though he runs faster now and is 5 seconds faster than the 
> average at 
> > each age, Person X might be a slower runner _relative to 
> other kids_ 
> > as an 8 y.o. compared to when he was a 4 y.o.?
> > 
> > -Max
> > 
> > On Mon, 24 Feb 2003, Hetzel, Rod wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi everyone:
> > > 
> > > I need your help with something.  I have a student who 
> just does not 
> > > understand z-scores.  I have met with him for at least two hours 
> > > outside of class and he still doesn't understand the concept.  In 
> > > particular, he doesn't seem to understand why you need to include 
> > > standard deviation in the calculation of z-scores.  "Why 
> can't you 
> > > just compare the raw scores?" is his frequent question.  
> I explained 
> > > to him in various ways that the z-score is a transformed 
> score that 
> > > can take scores from two different distributions and put 
> them on a 
> > > common metric, that it gives you a summary statistic that 
> tells you 
> > > an individual's score in relation to the mean and 
> standard deviation, that it provides a way to compare
> > > scores from two different distributions, etc.   
> > > 
> > > Here is the example that my student keeps coming back to: 
>  "Jack and 
> > > Jill are intense competitors, but they never competed 
> against each 
> > > other.  Jack specialized in long-distance running and Jill was an 
> > > excellent sprint swimmer.  As you can see from the 
> distributions in 
> > > each table, each was best in their event.  Take the analysis one 
> > > step farther and use z-scores to determine who is the more 
> > > outstanding competitor."
> > > 
> > > Jack: 37 min
> > > Bob:  39 min
> > > Joe:  40 min
> > > Ron:  42 min
> > > 
> > > Jill: 24 sec
> > > Sue:  26 sec
> > > Peg:  27 sec
> > > Ann:  28 sec
> > > 
> > > Here are the relevant statistics:
> > > RUNNING MEAN:  39.5
> > > RUNNING SD:  1.803
> > > JACK'S ZSCORE:  -1.39
> > > 
> > > SWIMMING MEAN:  26.25
> > > SWIMMING SD:  1.479
> > > JILL'S ZSCORE:  -1.52
> > > 
> > > When I have met with the student, he has not understood 
> how Jill is 
> > > the more outstanding competitor.  He makes the comment 
> that Jack is 
> > > obviously the better competitor because Jack scored an entire 3 
> > > minutes faster than the next finisher whereas Jill scored only 2 
> > > seconds faster than her runner-up.  "Why do you have to 
> even look at 
> > > the other scores in the distribution to tell that Jack is 
> the better 
> > > competitor?  He finished a full three minutes ahead of his 
> > > competitors and Jill just barely finished ahead of her 
> competitors."  
> > > I have drawn some diagrams of normal distributions to show how 
> > > Jill's score on the distribution is further away from the 
> mean and 
> > > closer to the tail, but my student thinks that I am 
> somehow changing 
> > > the scores and cheating the system when I transform the 
> raw scores 
> > > to z-scores.  Even after I show him how the position of the score 
> > > remains unchanged, he cannot grasp in this case how Jill 
> is the more 
> > > outstanding competitor.  I've tried switching examples with him 
> > > (e.g., distributions of test scores, changing C temperature to F 
> > > temperature, etc.), but nothing seems to be sinking in. He has a 
> > > fairly high level of anxiety about statistics but tends 
> to cover it 
> > > up with humor and sarcasm.  He took statistics with another 
> > > professor last semester and told me that all statistics 
> is a bunch of
> > > bull**** that serves no useful purpose other than obscuring the
> > > painfully-obvious truth.
> > > 
> > > So, I have two questions for all of you out there in TIPS land...
> > > 
> > > 1.  Given what I've told you about the student's struggles with 
> > > z-scores, does anyone have any specific ideas on how to 
> present this 
> > > information to him?  I think I'm in a rut with him and 
> need a fresh 
> > > way to explain this.
> > > 
> > > 2.  Would anyone be willing to share with me any z-score examples 
> > > that you use for your own assignments and exams?  I am 
> running out 
> > > of new examples to use with this student and was hoping 
> that perhaps 
> > > you would be willing to share some of your own examples.  
> This would 
> > > give my student some more opportunities to calculate z-scores
> > > 
> > > 3.  How do you work with students who just don't seem to get 
> > > statistics? Everyone else in the class seems to 
> understand z-scores 
> > > well, but I'm struggling a bit in trying to reach this 
> student.  I 
> > > find that I am hardly ever at a loss for words when teaching 
> > > clinical courses, but I'm reaching my limit with this 
> student.  This 
> > > is certainly not my area of expertise, so I'm hoping that some of 
> > > you stats-people can help out with this!
> > > 
> > > Thanks for your assistance with this problem!
> > > 
> > > Rod
> > > 
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