For my Intro class I let my students correct their answers on the weekly
quizzes and will give them 50% of the points. The corrections are short
descriptions explaining why the correct answer is the correct answer.

Gary J. Klatsky, Ph. D.
Director, Human Computer Interaction M.A. Program

Department of Psychology                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oswego State University (SUNY)
7060 State Hwy 104W                      Voice: (315) 312-3474
Oswego, NY 13126                           Fax:   (315) 312-6330

All of us who are concerned for peace and triumph of reason and justice must
be keenly aware how small an influence reason and honest good will exert
upon events in the political field.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine L. Grela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 11:05 AM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences
Subject: improving student performance and grades through extra credit?

(sorry for any cross posting)

Dear TIPSters,

I think this topic may have been touched on before, but I would like to
get some input.

I have just had my Intro to Psych class finish their midterm exams, and
overall, the class is scoring about 50%.

In previous years, I have curved my exams (the high score so far is 115
out of 140), but I put a statement on the syllabus that grades would be
determined by a 90, 80, 70% structure. However, given this scoring
system, a good portion of my students are failing - which doesn't make
either them or me happy.

I don't want to reward students who haven't been putting time and effort
into studying, but, on the other hand, I don't want to fail half of my
class (or have them drop). So, does anyone have any recommendations? I
was thinking of offering extra credit to students who corrected their
own exams - but I wasn't sure how much to offer. I am also offering 10
points to students who completely a study guide prior to the exam.

Again, I don't want to give credit to students who don't deserve it, and
the midterm is only worth 30% of their grade, but it seems like they do
need some additional help.

Christine L. Grela
Instructor of Psychology
McHenry County College

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