My reference to miniature elephants crushing whales was meant to point out that 
the simple proof seems to be lacking something.  Did I just creat miniature 
elephants.  I guess it is possible, if humans created God.

Michael T. Scoles, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology & Counseling
University of Central Arkansas
Conway, AR 72035
>>> "Louis Schmier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 04/04/07 5:01 PM >>>
There's more to Parmenides than Wikipedia.  The Parmenidean Proof, very simply, 
is that no
one can think of nothing.  You can only think of something that is.  What you 
think of,
albeit being intelligible or non-intelligible, rational or non-rational, 
therefore, must
exist.  So, something exists by the very fact that you think of it.  Otherwise, 
you cannot
think of it.  This is used as one of the proofs by Plato for the existence of 
the World of
Forms, and for the existence of God by St. Augustine, Maimonides, and Thomas 
And, if critical in the Kantian duality.

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