Well, I just discovered--I have amnesia of that week in ICU--that the day after 
I was
admitted to ICU I dictated an e-mail to my son for my classes.  All the 
students in the
four classes, 196 students, were first semester students.  I told them to run 
the classes
themselves, to finish the project that was being presented at the time I had my 
hemorrahage and what to do to prepare for the second.  I guess I thought I'd be 
back in
class in a few days.  Well, both the students and my colleagues tell me that 
they ran all
the classes like troopers:  they wrote their own "Words for the Day" on the 
they wrote the one-word "how do you feel today" word on the whiteboard, took 
role, and
presented.  Some even videotaped the presentations.  I haven't seen any yet.  
They all
submitted the issue papers for the second project.  At that point, my classes 
were taken
over by my colleagues as I went on medical leave.  

Make it a good day.

Louis Schmier                                
Department of History                   
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, Georgia 31698                    /\   /\   /\                   /\
(229-333-5947)                                 /^\\/   \/    \   /\/\____/\  \/\
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                                                /\"If you want to climb 
mountains \ /\
                                            _/    \    don't practice on mole 
hills" -/


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