A few weeks ago I gave an exam in animal behavior and asked a question about 
"Kamikaze sperm." One student asked what species a Kamikaze was. I then asked 
the next 4 students entering my office if they'd ever heard the word , 
"kamikaze." The first three had never heard the word. I'm convinced that the 
problem is that most students no longer read for pleasure. This has been 
problematic for years but is getting worse. Try asking your student if, as 
children, they ever read books (not magazines)  "just for fun."  It's no wonder 
their general knowledge is so pathetic. And there's a BIG difference between 
looking up the definitive of a specific word on  line and learning words 
incidentally while reading a book.   Even looking words up in a dictionary is 
better because you naturally do a little browsing of other words when you look 
it up. That's not as easy/common when looking up a definition on line.
The Kindly Old Curmudgeon
Edward I. Pollak, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Office Hours: Mondays noon-2 and 3-4 p.m.; Tuesdays & Thursdays 8-9:00 a.m. & 
12:30-1:30 p.m.
Husband, father, grandfather, biopsychologist, bluegrass fiddler and 
herpetoculturist...... in approximate order of importance.


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