A few years back I gave an Intro General class three options 
regarding the last examination:
            1.  I give them ahead of time 20% of the actual questions that 
would be on the exam.
            2.  I let them bring and use five sheets of paper on which they 
have written anything they wish.
            3.  I let them bring and use the text book.

            I told them I would go for option 2, but they went for option 3.  
Then they just did not even read the chapters or do any studying.  They 
performed worse on this exam than on any other, even though the material was 
easier.  Some of them did not even bring the correct text book.  A few students 
did well --  they had not only studied a bit but also annotated the text book 
with notes pointing them to the appropriate pages for key concepts.


Karl W.
From: msylves...@copper.net [mailto:msylves...@copper.net]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 1:26 PM
To: Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)
Subject: [tips] Open book test

Do you give open book tests? What are the pros and cons? I knew a prof who 
thought it was great  for Crossword puzzles psychology test.

Michael Sylvester,PhD
Daytona Beach,Florida


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