Mike Palij wrote:
> I might as well get this out of the way now:  I truly apologize
> to everyone everywhere for what I've writtern below.
> On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 21:48:12 -0700, Michael Sylvester wrote:
>> A Prof, teaching a class in Criminal Justice,, was approached by 
>> a very attractive co-ed after the class.The co-ed observed an 
>> undulating shift in the topography and the outline of the prof's pants..
>> The student enquired of the prof "Is this a gun you have in your 
>> pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
> As long as we're making awful jokes, a more appropriate punchline
> would have been:
> (a) "Is that a piece of chalk in your pocket..." (which raises the question
> of whether it was the regular small piece of chalk or the big piece of chalk
> children use)
> (b) "Is that an eraser in your pocket..." (for oddly shaped, er. y'know)
> (c) "Is that a zucchini in you pocket..." (professors who are fans of
> the movie "Spinal Tap")
I believe that the punch line of Mike's (very old) joke was first 
uttered by Mae West in the film Sextette (who may only be remembered by 
TIPSters of a certain age, but should not be forgotten). There is 
another version attributed to her involving a banana, but I cannot find 
the source.


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


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