tiptsers may be interested in Connexions http://cnx.org/: "a group of organizations and individuals, including the world's foremost leaders in education, who work together to advance open source educational technology and open access educational content. Members join the Consortium to work and exchange ideas with other members." Textbooks can be "constructed" from modular content licensed under Creative Commons. They also offer print copies that are of equivalent quality to ordinary texts but at a fraction of the cost - publishers bid for the lowest price they can publish the book for. I heard founder Richard Baraniuk speak at an ed tech conference about open education and open courseware - looks like it might be huge in the future of education.

Sally Walters
Capilano U

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" <tips@acsun.frostburg.edu>
Cc: "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu>
Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2009 4:35 PM
Subject: re: [tips] "International Editions" of text books

On Sun, 02 Aug 2009 14:52:46 -0700, Karl L.Wuensch wrote:
           One of my students is shopping for a deal on one of the texts
that I use in first semester grad stats (Howell, 7th edition).  He told me
he could buy this text in the "international edition" for half the price of
the regular edition, and he wants to know if this is the same text.
I have no idea.  What do you all know about so-called international
editions of text books?

A couple of my students have used "international editions" of textbooks
in my classes and my brief examination of the did not reveal any major
differences (they were paperbacks while the U.S. was only available
in hardcover; paper seemed thinner/cheaper; markings indicating that
it was an international edition, etc.).  Some of the online bookstores
sell international editions and this is what one of them says about them:

|What are International Edition textbooks?
|Textbook publishers sell their books worldwide and often price
|them based on book prices and economic conditions of the
|destination countries.   These textbooks sold abroad are referred
|to "International Editions" or "Low price editions". The International
|Edition may not include the accompanying CDs, charts or DVDs.
|Most importantly, the price is significantly cheaper!
|The publishers of International Editions generally do not authorize
|the sale and distribution of International Editions in the United States
|and Canada and such sale or distribution may violate the copyrights
|and trademarks of the publishers of such works.
|How are International Editions identified?
|Generally, the textbook will state "International Edition" or "Low price
|edition" on the cover or included with the publication information inside.
|To make finding textbooks easier, and to show your purchasing options,
|booksellers must clearly state that the copy they are offering is an International
|edition. Booksellers offering international editions on AbeBooks must
|adhere to publishers copyright restrictions.
|How can I tell which textbooks on the AbeBooks site are International
|Booksellers are required to state in the books description, that the textbook
|is an International Edition.  Also, to make them easier to spot in search
|results, we've flagged them with an "International Edition" icon.

These textbooks might also be considered to be "grey market" goods
and Wikipedia (standard disclaimers) has an entry on the grey market:

-Mike Palij
New York University

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