Woo Hoo tips is back!

Body Worlds, the brain is in town and I am taking my students on Saturday. I 
went through the exhibit a few days ago and made lots of notes and things for 
them to notice. 

Some of the exhibits noted information that I was not too sure about and 
googling didn't help me with the information. I am hoping tipsters will know:

(1) Are there gender differences in amount grey versus white matter? In 
particular do men or women have more prominent cell bodies or axon fiber 

(2) Is it true that a 2-year old's brain is the same size as an adult's brain 
and is it true that it has exactly twice as many synapses?

Thanks! (any refs would be helpful as well--incidentally, my physio person here 
was not sure of these and does not believe these answers are in a standard 
physio text).

So glad tips is back.


Annette Kujawski Taylor, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

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