Michael (oooooo, I'm going to regret this!)
Tis Friday so a bit light-hearted- even for those underground? At one point you 
said, "As the only cross-cultural dude on Tips, I have observed that some 
people here have  problems in describing the tastes of mangoes,plantains,and  
tamarinds." You remember that on TIPS? My memory must be failing for I remember 
nothing of our discussions of mangoes, plantains, or tamarinds- though thinking 
of them makes me hungry! But you are correct that if folks aren't eating and 
reveling in such diverse fare they are indeed missing much. (As to whether that 
is true of American's I can't say though it isn't so for my acquaintances, 
friends, or family).

Now for your most important and egregious error! "I understand that the best 
ice cream is in Florence,Italy." Au contraire!! The best ice cream is to be had 
under the ash tree at my uncles farm in Tennessee! About 75 yards from the 
cows/milking shed- prepared with ingredients from the farm and prepared and 
served with love.
Hope you have a pleasant underground weekend.

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Bill Southerly (bsouthe...@frostburg.edu)

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