
James M. Clark
Professor of Psychology
204-774-4134 Fax

>>> "Lilienfeld, Scott O" <slil...@emory.edu> 15-Oct-09 1:26:35 PM >>>
    Can we persuade individuals who enter graduate school with an indifference 
or even antipathy toward science to care about science - or at least care about 
finding ways of minimizing their propensity toward errors - with proper 
training?  I don't know, although that's the focus of our manuscript.  I 
believe (?) I've had a few scattered successes over the years in my graduate 
teaching and mentoring, but there's no question that it's hard work.

This suggests that perhaps the problem is better addressed prior to grad 
school; i.e., at the undergraduate level.  We want to inculcate in our students 
the firm belief that science is THE way to address most issues about human 
behavior and experience.  This also serves to address the problem that it it 
may not be just clinical psychology that experiences ascientific students ... 
might this not be similarly characteristic of other applied domains?  And if we 
take the arrival of too many students into clinical psychology without a strong 
scientific orientation, does that indicate a shortcoming in our current 
practices with respect to inculcating science in our students?

Take care

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