michael sylvester wrote:
> There used to be some kind of a language requirement as a part of the 
> grad requirement.
> I am not sure if it was in lieu of stats.Anyway,what happened to that 
> idea?

Language requirements are still common in the humanities. I had to do 
French for my philosophy PhD just a few years back. Sometime after 
psychology decided that it was a "natural science" (and therefore, I 
suppose, spoke the "language of nature") it dumped its language 
requirements most places. (I can remember some students attempting to 
argue that learning a computer programing "language" should count. I 
think I lost that argument because I was so busy laughing.)


Christopher D. Green
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON M3J 1P3


416-736-2100 ex. 66164


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