So does that mean it is "interbehaviorist" rather than behaviorist"? :-)


Paul Brandon wrote:
J.R. Kantor was long an anonymous commentator for Psych Rec.

On Oct 30, 2009, at 1:09 PM, wrote:

On 30 Oct 2009 at 13:55, Wuensch, Karl L wrote:

 A colleague of mine asked the editor of The Psychological Record about
page charges. In her reply, the editor made it clear that The Psychological
Record does NOT have page charges, and never has.

Thanks, Karl. It will be interesting to see how the discrepancy
between this and Annette's experience of paying exorbitant
page charges to the Record is resolved. Does false memory
strike again?

So, was I also right about _Psychological Record_ favouring a
behaviouristic orientation?  :-)

(Reminds me of the joke about the rabbi mediating a dispute.
He listens to the wife first, and concludes "You're right." He then
listens to the husband,  nods wisely, and concludes "You're

A bystander protests, "Rabbi, they can't both be right".
The rabbi replies,"You're right too!" )


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus
Bishop's University
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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Paul Brandon
Emeritus Professor of Psychology
Minnesota State University, Mankato

To make changes to your subscription contact:

Bill Southerly (

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