On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Mike Scoles wrote:

> I'm still waiting to hear what Anastasi ever wrote that makes her
> racist.
> In fact, I've been waiting for about 2 years.
> I haven't closed my mind, but simply would like "imagination" and
> "creativity" to be backed up with a tiny bit of evidence.
> Some off-the-wall comments can stimulate good discussions.  Others are
> harmful nonsense and should be identified as such.

    I have already referred to her book on testing.
Please note,that one can be an implicit racist by collaborating with ideas
that only enhances a racist differential outlook on the basis of
individual differences.
U.S immigration policy was once based on the ideas of the psychometricians
who believed in the intellectual inferiority of non-WASP people
including Italians and Kosovo -Albanians.

Michael Sylvester,Ph.D
Daytona Beach,Florida

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