I don't know of the video, but I had to comment on to things. First, at
least 1/2 of the Brelands (Marian) is the same as the Baileys. Marian
Breland Bailey's husband (Keller) died, and she remairred Bob Bailey.
Secondly, Marian earned her Ph.D. from the Univesity of Arkansas, and was
chosen as our very first "Alum of the Year" because of her contributions
to the field.


        Joel S. Freund                  Phone:  501/575-4256
        Department of Psychology        FAX:    501/575-3219
        216 Memorial Hall               Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Fayetteville, AR 72701-1201

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Claudia Stanny wrote:

:-) Calvin Trillin has a wonderful piece in this week's issue of The New Yorker
:-) about a chicken that plays tic-tac-toe in a an arcade game.  He talks about
:-) the training of the chicken(s) for these games, originally by the Brelands
:-) and later by the Baileys.  He also mentions that he once saw a video of B.
:-) F. Skinner playing tic-tac-toe with one of these chickens. Since the game
:-) is set up so the chicken always goes first and, I assume, response choice
:-) is directed by a simple computer program, the chicken almost invariably
:-) wins.  (Trillin notes that Skinner once managed to eke out a draw from the
:-) chicken.)  
:-) My question is:  Has anybody seen this video or know of its whereabouts?  I
:-) would love to obtain a copy.
:-) Claudia
:-) ___________________________________________________
:-) Claudia J. Stanny, Ph.D.    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:-) Department of Psychology        Phone:      (850) 474 - 3163
:-) University of West Florida  FAX:    (850) 857 - 6060
:-) Pensacola, FL  32514 - 5751

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