I will be teaching History & Systems for the first time in the Fall and
thought I'd solicit your ideas while you were in the middle of the semester.
I'm looking for project, assignment and activity ideas that will make this
class a more active learning experience for the students.  At Oswego State
History & Systems is the senior capstone class.  I've scanned though the
Activities Handbook for Psychology Vols. 1-3 but all I saw was  staging a
debate among the APA presidential candidates in 1924 and drawing a cognitive
map of the history of psychology.  Do you have any activities that have
worked well in your classes

Thanks for your help


Gary J. Klatsky
Department of Psychology                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oswego State University (SUNY)                  http://www.oswego.edu/~klatsky
Oswego, NY 13126                                        Voice: (315) 341 3474

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