Patrick Mattimore wrote:

> Taking a Polly Anna ish risk from a comfortable shelter in confronting the
> "big" questions.... how about a psychological science which confronts,
> answers, and then changes behaviors re. such items as:
> world starvation in the midst of plenty
> unhappiness
> violence
> Patrick Mattimore. South San Francisco High School

Many within psychology are concerned about these issues and are involved in
research and practice related to the amelioration of suffering globally.  For
example, the American and Canadian Psychological Associations have
established a joint initiative concerning ethnopolitical conflict.  One
immediate result of this initiative has been the establishment of The Solomon
Asch Center for the Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict.  Information concerning
the center can be found at:

Additionally, it is imperative that we begin to integrate these topics into
the psychology curriculum.   My paper entitled "Genocide, Mass Violence, and
Human Rights: A Path to Internationalizing the Psychology Curriculum and
Promoting Social Responsibility" can be found at:  This paper is an adaptation
of the poster that I presented this past year at NITOP.

Additionally, there are many organizations within psychology which address
global issues related to human rights and concerns.   A partial list is
provided below.

Warm regards,


Professional Organizations for Psychologists and Student Affiliates

       Psychologists for Social Responsibility

       2607 Connecticut Ave, NW
       Washington, DC 20008 USA

       Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence: Peace
Psychology - Division 48 of the APA

       Division 48: Peace Psychology
       Administrative Office
       50 First Street, NE
       Washington, DC 2002-4242

       Psychologists for the Promotion of World Peace
       P.O. Box 744
       Bayswater, Victoria, 3153, Australia

       International Psychology - Division 52 of the APA

       Division 52-Administration Office
       American Psychological Association
       750 First Street, NE
       Washington, DC 20002-4242, USA

       Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)

       SPSSI Central Office
       P.O. Box 1248
       Ann Arbor, MI 48103

       International Council of Psychologists

       Kay C. Greene, Secretary-General
       ICP Secretariat
       30 Waterside Plaza
       Suite 13E
       New York, NY 10010-2630.

       Interamerican Society of Psychology

       Wanda C. Rodriguez Arocho
       Universidad de Puerto Rico
       P.O. Box 23345
       San Juan, PR 00931-3345

linda m. woolf, ph.d.
associate professor - psychology
webster university

main webpage:
Holocaust and genocide studies pages:
womens' pages:
gerontology pages:


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