The following is lifted from my ever evolving Intro Psych syllabus:


        The textbook, lectures, discussions, and other classroom activities 
are designed to provide basic knowledge of the terminology and concepts in 
the field of psychology, and the scientific methods by which this knowledge 
is obtained.  It is also important, however, that you relate these 
experiences to your activities outside of the classroom, and that you read, 
listen to, or view outside materials about the topics in psychology that 
especially interest you.

        The purpose of the personal journal is for you to keep a written 
record of your reading and thinking as it pertains to this course.  You 
should make an entry for each week of class.  Date each entry.  Your personal 
journal will be turned in 3 times during the semester.  I will read your 
entries, and feel free to make any written comments or suggestions that may 
be of help to you.  In addition, you may use this assignment to keep me 
informed of your view of class activities.  The journals will be returned as 
soon as possible.  You will receive for your efforts up to 8 points for each 
journal entry (one entry each for 11 weeks).  The total of up to 88 points 
earned will be used in the calculation of your final grade. 

        In addition to your personal journal entry for each week of class, 
you will need to include an entry describing one outside resource each time 
you turn in your journal (3 times).  You will receive up to 10 points for 
each outside resource.  You will have complete freedom in your choice of an 
outside resource.  The most important criterion for selection is that you are 
interested in and profit personally from the experience.  Chapters of books, 
professional journal articles, or articles found in the newspaper, popular 
magazines (e.g., Psychology Today or Scientific American), or on the Internet 
may be used.  Lists of "suggested readings" can be found in your text at the 
end of each chapter.  Course relevant movies and TV specials may also be 
used.  A browse through the campus or local library could serve as a source 
of inspiration!  In addition, I would be glad to suggest readings on 
particular topics of interest to you.  Just let me know about your interests. 
 Be sure to record complete reference information (e.g., Name of  resource 
(book, magazine, newspaper, movie, television network, etc.) name of article 
or show, and date of publish or airing, internet address) for the resources 
that you choose (a handout will be provided on referencing). Whenever 
possible, please submit a copy of the resource.

        Your personal journal entries and description of outside resources do 
not need to be structured as a formal paper.  You should, however, take care 
to use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.  It must be legible.  
(Typed submissions are preferred, of course!)  Your name and the date of 
entry should appear on every page.  Although I want you to seek the help 
needed to use this writing experience as a way of enhancing your ability to 
express yourself clearly, I am also interested in the sharing of what you are 
learning, the process you are using to gather information and critically 
evaluate it, and how this process is affecting your views.  Your writing 
should demonstrate that you have thought about what you have read and 
experienced, and how you may apply these new experiences in your own life.  
This should be accomplished without merely summarizing the material using the 
process described below: 

Assessment Criteria Categories:

        I am interested in your comments, criticisms, evaluations, questions, 
and insights. All critical comments, however, should be justified in the 
context of the scientific method; consider experimental design and 
alternative hypotheses. For example, when you prepare to write your personal 
journal entries and the description of your outside resource, ask yourself 
the following questions: (A scoring rubric is also provided.) 

1) For the Journal entry - How does the material discussed in the course 
readings and class discussions relate to my personal experiences in life?
1)   For the Outside Resource entry - How does the material in the outside 
      relate to the material discussed in class?   


2) How does the material relate to other psychological concepts of which you 
are aware?   
3) What is of interest to you in the material covered?  
4) Are you convinced by the arguments made by the author/instructor/class 
mates? Why or Why not?  
5) What additional hypotheses come to mind after your reading and thinking?     
6) In general, you should write about behavior that you have observed, 
discussions in which you have participated, or thoughts you had after class, 
and relate these to the class material.  

        Each personal journal entry and description of outside resource 
should be at least 250-300 words in length (about one typewritten page or two 
hand-written pages).  This is your moment to "show your stuff", however, so 
if you would like to take advantage of the audience, go ahead and write more 
. . . I will be both open to and reflective of your thoughts.

Assessment Criteria for Quality of Content:
        Writing demonstrates:
                Good understanding of the issues and points of view.
                Accuracy of information, evidence, or data.
                Organized and effective presentation.
                Enthusiastic presentation.
                Clarity of writing (spelling, grammar, punctuation)
                Neatness of presentation

For Outside Resource entries only:
Complete referencing information          

Sandra Nagel Randall, Ph.D.
Wayne County Community College District, MI
Department of Human and Community Development

Athabasca University, Alberta, Canada
Biopsychology Consultant

Off: 248-948-8162
Fax: 248-948-5090


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